Nest Club
Let’s Walk Together!
In a modern world where people are exposed to different kinds of challenges, personal observations have drawn our attention to the fact that emotional health has become a major concern in our societies.
According to WHO, “Mental health has worsened worldwide since the pandemic. A Eurobarometer survey conducted in June 2023 revealed that almost 1 in 2 people (46% of the EU population) had experienced emotional or psychosocial problems, such as feeling depressed or anxious, in the previous 12 months” (“Mental Health”)
Life Observations
As Caroline was dealing with the hurts she experienced in her family when she was growing up, she wondered how many people around her were facing similar situations. It then became very clear to Caroline that God wanted her to assist people whose lives have been impacted by painful family experiences.
Caroline published reflections over her past hurts in a book titled: God Designed Your Family to be A Nest of Happiness. She wants to use her personal experience as a source of inspiration for others. Caroline is also the founder of the Nest Club, an organization that is offering quality emotional support, based on biblical principles.
Caroline is selling her book to support the Nest Club.
Stress & Isolation
Among the leading causes, long-term stress and isolation appear to degenerate in mental illness, if not well taken care of.
In fact, people are facing challenges of various nature, and it is not easy for them to find an ear to listen to them or a shoulder to cry on.
More About Us
Our goal is to meet our members’ needs in various ways and support them on their emotional journey.
Prayer Sessions
Members’ businesses
Professional Counselling
Financial Support
Practical help
Interact with other participants!
Workshop Registration
The notion of mutual aid is a core principle of our vision.
“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” –
Galatians 6:2
Helping with school work ...
Helping a member who is moving areas...
Cooking for a member who is not well ...
... And more!
We want to bring hope to families and communities around the globe.
That's Our Vision.
Membership Options
Gold Membership
Prayer support
Free workshops
Paid workshops at reduced prices
Full access to all workshops resources
Access to the Prayer & Needs page
Professional counselling
Promotion of members’ businesses
Funding rounds
Silver Membership
- Prayer support
- Free workshops
- Access to free workshops resources
- Access to the Prayer & Needs page
How To Join
Ask a Christian organization or an active Christian to refer you.
Choose the membership option that best suits your needs.
Get Involved
Choose your prayer partner and get involved!
Meet Us At Our Annual Gala Event!
Members, visitors, donors…
We want to welcome you all to our Annual Gala Event!
Live Performance Art
For your entertainment: theatre, dance, opera…
Catering and decor
Enjoy the festive atmosphere!
Interactive Food Stations
Customize your food to your liking!
Members’ Gallery
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